What is Peer+?

While you should ideally prioritise giving your remote revenue team direct feedback as a leader personally, it's not always possible, especially at scale. 

Peer+ is a great solution for time-poor leaders who understand the importance of consistent performance feedback/review and organisational skills mapping. 

  • Image 1
    Review Service
    On a Peer+ plan, each user gets 4 Review-As-A-Service credits per month. This outsources the review process to our in-house sales professionals to save you time while still providing critical feedback.
  • Ui&ux ready
    Our Review Experts
    We use highly experienced sales experts to review your teams performance against our stringent competency frameworks to provide precise and detailed feedback on thier sales skills.
  • 100% no code
    Security and Anonymity
    At Peer we are committed to ensuring the security and anonymity of your companies practices and product/service details. Our strict policies and procedures ensure you can be certain of a secure outsourced QA process.
  • Future Proofing
    With plans to develop PeerLibrary and other pioneering AI tools within our platform, using Peer will ensure that your organisation is capturing skills in such a granular level that you will be ready for next-gen AI advancements and be "AI Training Ready" when the time comes.
  • A Skills Led Approach
    More than ever, assessing and measuring skill has become critical in staying ahead. By implementing Peer+ you are not only provideing the much needed support Remote Revenue teams crave, but also laying the data led foundations for your company to thrive.
Built on Unicorn Platform
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